Purpose is the main focus for every Enterprise Architecture initiative, which marks the beginning of a journey. As Enterprise Architect, you are required to explain, document and report on this journey. The repository with its structured data allow to reflect every kind of element in the architecture of an enterprise: Business, Information & Application and Infrastructure Architecture. The value of modelling becomes evident by illustrating the relationships between different types of elements, combining them in order to reflect the current state of an organisation and to evaluate innovation or change potential. This EA journey can be simplified by taking advantage of a solid, agile framework. Etnic, an IT organisation supplying services for the governmental state of Wallonia/Bruxelles, decided for this approach. It allows Etnic to simplify the process of EA initiatives while keeping it agile and transparent. As governmental service organisation, the relationship to their stakeholders and customers is meaningful. With the embedded framework chosen and its transparent process, collaboration and communication about the journey is guaranteed.